A-State announces Women’s History Month events

Daily Zen Mews

Arkansas State University’s Multicultural Center has planned a series of events on the A-State Jonesboro campus to celebrate Women History Month.

“Moving Forward Together: Women Inspiring Generations,” is the theme for the programs this year, which will kick off at noon on Monday (March 3) with a Lunch and Learn in the Delta Center for Economic Development.

Panelists will discuss the challenges and triumphs that shaped their leadership paths while offering valuable insights on how the next generation of women leaders can move forward and continue to inspire positive change.

School of Media and Journalism graduate student Saba Jamshed will lead a talk in the Multicultural Center on Thursday (March 6). She will speak about her journey from Pakistan to the United States. She will reflect on the challenges she faced.

The Women’s History Month Steering Committee welcomes guests to a Vision Board Party on March 10, in the Mockingbird Room. All materials will be provided.

A Thankful Thursday tabling event will be held March 10, on the first floor near Acansa Dining Hall. One may write a note, share a memory, or express gratitude to someone who has helped shape their path.

A panel discussion, “EmpowerHER: Prevention, Advocacy and Leadership” will occur on March 17, in the Mockingbird Room. Highlighting the theme, “Moving Forward Together: Women Inspiring Generations,” moderators will focus on prevention, advocacy, and leadership, with a special emphasis on the critical roles healthcare and education play in shaping the futures of women and communities.

Author Stephen Koch will host a book signing on March 20 in the Auditorium. Koch, a musician and award-winning journalist, will take attendees through stories that inspired his book “From Almeda to Zilphia: Arkansas Women Who Transformed American Popular Song.”

Koch highlights the often-overlooked role of women in music history, focusing on figures from Arkansas who have made an impact on American culture. The discussion will offer insights and celebrate the legacy of Arkansas women who transformed the musical world.

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